Friday, 20 January 2012


At the very start of this new year I read on several blogs about people choosing a single word to guide them through the new year and beyond. People had chosen words that would stand as a symbol of their hopes, dreams and ambitions. I began thinking about one word that would prompt me into action, a word that would define a message to myself, a reminder of who I am and want to be and of my place and needs in the world here and now.

The word that I have chosen for 2012 is 'Nurture'. During this last couple of weeks of feeling so unwell I have been thinking a lot about nurturing myself, in particular my body which I have been neglecting in every way possible. I have been taking a little extra time to take care of myself. It is simple, I have slowed down and I have prioritised myself over other things and instead of the usual guilt that I feel, it has felt like a relief and it has felt enjoyable. 'Nurturing' oneself is feeding oneself all the necessary nutrients and components to necessitate growth ... I have been telling myself in an ever so slightly self conscious manner.

This year I want to nurture all of me, body, mind and soul, this is my hope for 2012. I aim to live my life without the burden of defined outcomes whilst broadening the possibilities for my own growth and ambition. I also know I must set myself boundaries to protect myself from the slog of the day-to-day. However, I am letting go. Letting go of time and permanence. Letting go of duty, of fear, of 'ought to's' and obligations.

Whilst on the subject of changes and improvements in this year, I took a look on pinterest for some inspiration for my long neglected hair that is in need of a little love and nurture. I came across these and was so excited that I summoned courage and for two days in a row, the 'Afro' has once more been unleashed ... I am letting go ...

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