Saturday, 28 April 2012

Some things we did during the easter holidays

Played with light sabres in the garden. Went for hot chocolates at the french cafe on a cold and rainy morning. Roleplayed characters from Star Wars and Star Wars - The Clone Wars. Posed for daddy so that he could take pictures. Used Ikea packaging for an outdoor drawing project. Visited Cadbury World after Zach talking and saving up for it for weeks. Jumped in muddy puddles a minute from the house whilst waiting for dinner to finish cooking in the oven. Emptied water filled muddy boots on the doorstep after an adventure. Visited the Ikon Gallery. Watched 1970's cartoons on a lap top in bed together. Had a chicken feast in the back garden. Pulled funny faces in Pret a Manger. Bought lego mini figures - series seven from John Lewis. Had a memorable feast at Yo Sushi. Queued at Krispy Kreme, Selfridges and then received free glazed donuts. Rode our bikes in Cannon Hill park and Bruton park a lot. Saw lots of cousins and had a lovely time playing. Had picnics in the car on two separate ocassions  due to bad weather conditions. Took off with daddy to the Lickey Hills for a long, long walk whilst mum had some time to herself. Gathered the flowers from the camillia bushes. Listened to mummy describe her top three falls off her bike and laughed and laughed. Measured our heights against the sitting room wall and marked it in pencil. Wrapped ourselves in hand knitted blankets made by Grandma whilst watching Blue Planet. Chatted to a lovely gentleman near Knowle Lochs who explained about different bait whilst we watched him catching little fish, for fun of course not to eat. Listened to Gillian Welch in the car. 

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