Sunday 6 November 2011

Base Jumping

Early yesterday evening with a head full of cold, I climbed into bed with the lap top promising myself an early night and some relaxing viewing before sleep. Having successfully found a fascinating documentary earlier in the week on 4od, I decide to have another look and suddenly there it was 'The men who jump off buildings'!

As a stay-at-home mum, my day-to-day definitely does not embody the thrill of base jumping even if my day-to-day does at times feel like an adrenaline sport, so naturally I was instantly captivated by Dan Witchalls. After the first four minutes of watching on my own, I sent hubby a text message asking him to come upstairs and watch with me because what I was watching was really exciting and I wanted him to share the experience. Now this was naive.

As we continued watching the documentary Dan Witchalls precision, attention to detail, incredible fitness level and honed skill became very clear. I quickly lost the feeling that 'I' could be Dan and could indeed jump off buildings and quickly became torn between wanting to be him and with empathising as if I were his wife, mother, friend because ultimately with every jump he faces death. As I glanced at hubby expecting him at this stage to have the same concerned look on his face as was on mine, he didn't, in fact he had a sparkle in his eye!!!

Whilst I hope that my hubby never takes up base jumping or anything of the sort, I must confess that I did google Birmingham's tallest building, you know just in case I get inspired like this lady!

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