Saturday, 10 December 2011

A week in pictures

perfect saturday breakfast - herman and hot tea

Ten days ago as I was leaving my friend Laura's house, her parting gift to me was a recycled and lidded yoghurt pot of stinky fermenting sourdough accompanied by a photocopy of her handwritten instructions for 'Herman the German Friendship Cake'. I've never been very good or interested in anything that involves a chain, in fact I'm normally put off, so I left Laura's with a bit of a teenage shoulder shrug of 'well I'm not promising anything!'. However, who could resist tending something for ten days with a guaranteed due date at the end of it! So once home, I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled 'Friday - Herman's due date' and stuck it up in the kitchen next to my growing creature, my new little one. The boys and I grew so attached to our new family member that each morning they would say 'have you stirred/fed Herman yet?', they have been so watchful and attentive, delighted to be witnesses of Herman's development. So, friday came and I was able to send Laura a message, this message in fact:

'I'm happy to announce the safe and wonderful arrival of Herman! I didn't stick to the birth plan but the vanilla pod, poppy seed and cranberries complement the apple and Herman is being enjoyed by the house hold - Thank you!'

Apart from the sugar topping being a little more 'glazed' ... okay burnt, due to me still getting to know my new oven, Herman turned out great! I can never quite follow instructions and I'm not that keen on sultanas so I used cranberries instead. I'd also run out of vanilla essence and so took the opportunity to use one of my precious vanilla pods sent all the way over from our family in Madagascar, they are incredible and by far superior in quality to any store bought one's I've used ... and yes, I do feel smug about that!!! I then decided to add poppy seed as an alternative to nuts as my eldest boy has a nut allergy. Ok folks, I think I'm finally done talking about Herman!

Other stuff that's gone on this week, well nosying in a nik nak antique shop where I saw some lovely things that I couldn't afford including the 'HomePride weighing scales' pictured below. I documented the boys showing some great initiative whilst waiting for Daddy to finish his x'mas shopping and having the cutest of cuddles - evidence for the future! I mended one of the many knees that has worn through on the boys trousers using this idea from pinterest for inspiration and also made this painting titled 'Gold dust, Gold lust' in wednesday's two hour making slot, for my dear friend's fortieth birthday but at the last moment decided it was too cheesy to give to her. We met up for lunch and what should come up in conversation, the love and lust for the colour 'Gold'!!!

Herman (one for me, one for the family!)

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