Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Make It Sewcial Meet Up

Photograph by Kat Molesworth 

It's a wonderful thing to feel a part of something, to know that you belong somewhere, that you have your people, others like you that care about the things you also care about. It's a wonderful feeling when you don't have to explain yourself and what you do and why you do it. That was the wonderful feeling I had at the week-end when I had the pleasure of gathering together with forty nine other creatives for the first Make It Sewcial Meet Up hosted by the very gorgeous and very talented Allison Sadler.  Allison and her husband Christian run the loveliest shop situated opposite my kids school and right in the heart of my neighbourhood. I really don't think there's a person that doesn't know who they are in our hood. They are the loveliest, friendliest people centred peeps and that's what makes their shop so perfectly titled - The People Shop

Allison started the Make It Sewcial Hashtag on Instagram a year and half ago. Her vision, in her own words - 'celebrating creativity and bringing a community together'. Every monday morning Allison invites individuals to share any hand made makes with her and her many followers and that week she chooses a winner, who she then generously sends a goodie bag to! Read more about Allison's story here and more about the roots of Make It Sewcial hereI have followed shenanigans from a distance and never actually joined in, partly because I haven't really been doing much making recently. When I saw that Allison was organising an instameet and that it was going to be in Birmingham, in the fabulous new old Impact Hub Birmingham, it was too exciting to miss! I consciously made the decision to attend alone and not invite a friend as I really wanted to meet new people and to be slightly out of my comfort zone. What a fabulous and friendly bunch I met! 

I used a sewing machine for the first time in a long time under the gentle and patient guidance of the very wonderful sewist53, her name is actually Sue Scrase but sewist53 is her instagram name and many know her as such. Many thanks to Sue for helping me to 'Shine'! You can find her gorgeous creations here. I also had a wonderful time making a pretty posy of flowers and lovely conversation with Judith of pollenfloraljoy. She spoke for just a few minutes and had me captive with the story of her creative journey that was motivating and inspiring and courageous. It left me with that goosebumpy 'anything is possible' feeling which is always good. Another delight was to meet the gorgeous Shaheen Kasmani. Do go along to instagram and check out her stunning textiles and surface pattern designs. We got to eat lots of cake together and to play with flowers and giggle with balloons together whilst Kat aka housewife confidential and one of the Blogtacular founders, schooled us in the art of creating statement photographs. Many thanks to Kat who also gave a couple of us a great pep talk about being out and proud as creatives. She helped me to say the following words aloud and proud: I AM AN ARTIST AND BLOGGER! Allison and Kat led us on a great photo walk around the Digbeth area which is the old industrial and perhaps a slightly darker underbelly of innercity brum. Personally, it's one of my favourite places! It's full of life and colour and history but not in a city guide kind of a way. 

It's a wonderful thing to feel part of something and to not even have the words to fully describe what it is you feel, it's wonderful to find your people and feel at home. What a fabulous time was had by all on this dreamy yellow brick road! To get a different perspective of the day, do check out Allison's blog here. Enjoy folks!

Photograph by Allison Sadler

Mama and More

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