Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Breakfast & Pancakes

My pancakes were SO good last night that my hubby ate them standing up in the kitchen. Just in case you're wondering, the preferred topping this year was a chocolate spread and cornish vanilla ice cream combo. Hubby's face did drop a little when I failed to produce his traditional annual pancake topping of maple syrup, so it's a good thing this american pancake recipe faired well! On the topic of food, here are a few pics of a special breakfast date that my youngest boy and I went on last sunday ... whilst Daddy did his planning for work and the eldest boy was at a 'jedi training' themed birthday party, this young fella and I did a little reading, a little chatting and a whole lot of sipping hot chocolate and munching on our organic veggie breakfast. A lovely, lovely date!


  1. Oh Katy, just divine, all of it. You give me great hope in having a boy - unlike a recent visit from a friend which struck fear into my heart with her little terror! And the pancakes look yum too. We again took the opportunity to sneak veggies into ST - grated courgettes into the mixture for savoury pancakes. Next time will add honey too : )

  2. Thank you Zaz!!! Have been thinking of you so often and promise I will be in touch for a long overdue catch up honey, much love xxx
