Sunday, 18 March 2012

'Mothering Sunday' - As mum would say ...

Cut out bird from wrapping paper by 'Sukie'
(Perfect for my hand made mother's day envelope)

I can't get enough of these 'hearts on a stick' and I find I can make them appropriate for almost any occasion. This week-end our stick love was directed at my mama in celebration of Mothering Sunday - never let the words 'Mother's Day' be uttered within hearing distance of my mama as she will correct the term giving an explanation of it's origin just like her mother used to! After a lovely lie-in, my little men brought me breakfast in bed and left me ALONE to enjoy it! Bliss!! Then a little later we headed off to visit my mama brandishing our stick love and a lovely, lovely time was had by all. Home once again, I decided to really milk the day and took myself up to my room to watch a chick flick in peace and I managed it people; a lie-in, breakfast alone and I watched a whole girlie film all by myself!!! (c'mon hubby, you know you love to torture me with a running commentary when I'm chick flick-ing but not this time!!!) Of course, by the time I'd finished the film I was already missing those boys of mine and so in they climbed on separate occasions and merry cuddles were had. For as long as I can, I'm going to savor those boys of mine climbing into my bed to watch stuff that makes me smile .... right alongside me, right by my side.

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