Sunday 25 November 2012

Fun Sunday

Walking hand in hand in pairs in the crisp air. The weight of carrying a little one tired from a wheezy and disturbed nights sleep. Smiles and squeals at the first sight of christmas lights and Santa. A stop for a pretzel and three german sausages paid for with the last of our pennies. The smell of Gluhwein and hot grilled meat, cigarette smoke and people cosy close. Relief at no longer yielding a pushchair through the busy Frankfurt market. Escaping the crowd and exiting into a book shop, heading straight for the basement for the children's section. A substantial walk back to the car to the free parking space with a mama with a sore knee and weary from a little ones wheezy and disturbed night. Mama and little one dropped at base camp along with the car whilst Papa and eldest ready for more adventure walk and scoot to the park. Rummaging in cupboards for something to soothe a sweet tooth. After a failed mission deciding to bake something to satisfy the sweet tooth. Baking carrot cake and banana and poppy seed muffins and feeling all the more happy that 'the beast' did not destroy them. Hot baked dinner served at the table, little one weeping with weariness favoring bed instead. Muffins and Tin Tin and our beloved hand made blankets. Hot bath and hair washed, toe nails clipped and books read. Prayers said. So finally time to climb into bed. 

* 'The Beast' is our unfriendly and unpredictable oven

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