Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Tinka made sparks fly today ...

Card by Emma Gormally aka 'Tinka'

Once upon a time I was sat upon a coach next to my very new husband when out of the corner of my eye I spotted a very beautiful girl, we smiled at each other and it was pretty much 'love' at first sight!! It was with great delight that some days later I discovered that this beautiful girl was also enrolled on my degree course and this was the beginning of a wonderful friendship!

Today some loveliness arrived by post from my beautiful and dear friend miss emma gormally aka 'Tinka'. That envelope hit the floor just at the most perfect moment, a moment when I was feeling a little lost in my day. There was a whole lot of goodness in that envelope I tell you, a beautiful hand made card plus delicious material and bits and bobs for collage and mixed media fun!! I have been desperate to show some of miss gormally's work here as I am a huge fan, I'll definitely pin her down soon and write a post featuring more of it but until then here is a little taster of 'Tinka'! Friendship, it's a beautiful thing!

Detail of card made by Emma Gormally aka 'Tinka'

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